Let's Study English/TOEIC

[Part1 | Actual Test]

쥐마 2015. 7. 21. 22:35


is putting into

is chopping up 썰다, 다지다

is reaching to pick up a tool 연장을 집어 올릴려고 손을 뻗다

is cleaning up ->완전하게  


is putting on ->입고있는 동작  / is wearing ->입고있는 상태

is planting 심고있다.

is mowing the lawn 잔디를 깍고있다. =cut the grass / lawnmower 잔디깎는 기계,사람

is leaning against 수직적으로 기대다 / is leaning on 수평적으로 기대다

fence 울타리

3.두사람이 나오면-> 두명의 공통된 동작

is climbing up 

is holding onto ~를 꽉잡다 / handrail 난간(=railing, rail)

is riding

is passing people in the hallway 복도에서 사람들을 지나가고있다. 


is pouring liquid 

is folding a scarf 접고있다

is being removed 치워지다

is engaged in a conversation 참여하다 = is having a conversation = is hold a conversation


is standing in a line 일렬로 줄서있다. 

is standing in line 줄서있다.

is surrounding 둘러싸다

is crowded with 

is piled 쌓여있다.

carton 곽,상자 


is paying for goods 상품값을 지불하고있다.

has been cut into slices 얇게 썰려있다.

is handing 건네주다 / change 거스름돈

display shelves are being stocked ->진열대에 채워넣는 동작이어야함, 이미채워져 있는건 x


is tossing rocks 돌을 던지다

overlook 내려다 보다


Wooden columns are being erected 나무기둥이 세워지고 있다. 

have been planted

is being swept 쓸고있다.

have fallen off 떨어졌다. 

9.보이지않는 사물 묘사-> 오답!

has been closed for repairs

is digging out the bushes 관목을 파내고있다.

is blocking the entㄱance to the park 공원 출입구를 막고있다.

construction site 공사현장 / heavy machinery 중장비 


is bending over to tie his shoelace 신발끈을 묶기위해 구부리다

is bending over to take a snack 과자를 꺼내기위해 구부리다